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How Do I Become a Mobile Phlebotomist?

Kristie Lorette
Kristie Lorette

The training to become a phlebotomist is the same as that to become a mobile phlebotomist. To become a mobile phlebotomist, you have to receive training on how to draw blood from patients. The primary difference from a phlebotomist that works in a doctor’s office, hospital or other medical setting and a mobile phlebotomist is the mobile phlebotomist goes to where the patient is instead of having the patient come to them.

Your first task to become a mobile phlebotomist is to find a school that teaches phlebotomy. When you are searching for schools that offer these courses, ensure that the schools are accredited. Typically, you can attend a technical school rather a two- or four-year university program to earn the training, experience and certificate you need to become a phlebotomist. You should also complete an internship, where you obtain a lot of hands-on training on the best techniques for drawing blood and dealing with patients in different settings.

The best phlebotomy training programs offer in-depth instruction, including hands on experience with patients.
The best phlebotomy training programs offer in-depth instruction, including hands on experience with patients.

Before you launch into becoming a mobile phlebotomist, you may want to start off your career working in a specific location. Phlebotomists work mostly with doctors and nurses to draw the blood from patients that the doctors and nurses are caring for. A mobile phlebotomist may work with doctors, such as geriatric doctors, that work with patients who are not able to drive or are not mobile enough because of their health to come in for their blood tests. For this reason, the doctor may have a mobile phlebotomist on call to draw blood from the patient.

A mobile phlebotomist may work with geriatric doctors, who specialize in caring for the elderly.
A mobile phlebotomist may work with geriatric doctors, who specialize in caring for the elderly.

You can also become a mobile phlebotomist by getting hired on to companies that conduct blood drives. Blood drives require phlebotomists to be present at community events where they can convince people to donate their blood. Some organizations even have a blood drive bus that is fully equipped with everything the mobile phlebotomist needs to set the patient up and draw blood, whether it is for testing or as a blood donation.

A mobile phlebotomist may visit assisted living and nursing homes to meet with patients and retrieve blood samples.
A mobile phlebotomist may visit assisted living and nursing homes to meet with patients and retrieve blood samples.

Another option to become a mobile phlebotomist is to open your own mobile phlebotomist business. Once you earn your phlebotomist credentials, you can approach doctors, hospitals and other medical organizations to offer your services. In this case, you would act as a consultant for the medical organization. You will be on call to go to the homes, businesses, assisted living facilities, hospitals, doctor offices or other locations where patients are that need to have their blood drawn.

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