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How Do I Become an HVAC Apprentice?

Erin J. Hill
Erin J. Hill

In order to become a heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) apprentice, one must either attend a reputable career school, work through an HVAC association, or go directly to a current technician and ask about internship or apprentice possibilities. Any of these methods is suitable to become an HVAC apprentice in some areas, but the exact guidelines for becoming a technician after the apprenticeship is over will vary based on the area. The best choice will also depend on exact organization and company guidelines as well as availability of the programs.

One way in which to become an HVAC apprentice is to contact a local company or technician and ask about potential opportunities. Some companies will allow apprenticeships for those with no prior experience or schooling, but others will only take those who have either completed a training program or are in the process of doing so. Each business may have its own rules and guidelines, so it is important to discuss all training, education, and goals with any of them you are considering applying with.

HVAC apprenticeships may be initiated through HVAC associations, degree programs or local contractors.
HVAC apprenticeships may be initiated through HVAC associations, degree programs or local contractors.

There are also national or international organizations dedicated to heating and air conditioning. They often offer programs which allow students or potential students to become an HVAC apprentice. This is one of the most notable ways of becoming an apprentice since most of these programs are nationally recognized and offer comprehensive training. Some of them also have schooling available followed by an apprenticeship.

To become an HVAC apprentice, attend a trade school or check with an HVAC association or service provider for apprentice or internship openings.
To become an HVAC apprentice, attend a trade school or check with an HVAC association or service provider for apprentice or internship openings.

Another way to become an HVAC apprentice is by contacting companies through your school. This is usually reserved for students who are in their last semester or two of training; they are able to go out into the field and work as a paid apprentice during the last part of schooling. Apprenticeships may last longer than the classes, and students may continue working for the same company once training is complete. Many times apprentices are hired on as full technicians once the apprenticeship is over.

Your school may help you with finding the right apprenticeship program. Speak with a school adviser for information regarding partner businesses who may offer apprenticeships to their students. Otherwise, browse through your phone directory and call local companies to ask about opportunities.

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