Freelance writing jobs can come in many forms, from writing content articles for websites to writing and editing for a professional journal. A writer may also find freelance writing jobs at large companies that need content written for a website, marketing campaign, or technical manuals. Other jobs may include writing content for blogs or for news agencies both in print and on the Internet. Freelance writing jobs essentially include any writing job granted to a non-contract writer who is paid by the job rather than paid by salary.
News organizations may hire freelance writers for writing jobs that focus on editorial writing or on news reporting. Editorial writing is a style of writing that focuses on the interpretation or analysis of a theme or event, and seasoned writers may be asked to provide an analysis for a wide readership. News reporting is the basic recording of the facts surrounding a particular event; the writer must present an unbiased portrayal of what happened, why it happened, who it happened to, and so on. Freelance writers may write a news story on a long term event and present the story to a newspaper or magazine after it has been written, or a news agency may assign a freelance writer to cover a certain region of the world on a regular basis.
Some freelance writing jobs combine both writing and photography; writers in this field are often known as photojournalists. These writers are responsible for recording events in two media: in print and in photos. A freelance writer in this case must have both a solid understanding of the language in which they are writing, and a functional knowledge of photography and taking photos for print or website use.
Blogging has become one of the more popular freelance writing jobs, as people shift to the Internet as their primary source of news. Bloggers can present factual news reports, or they may focus more on editorial writing. Bloggers must often come up with content for a blog on a regular basis, sometimes writing several blog posts per day.
Content-based websites may also hire freelance writers to populate the site with useful information. The information a freelance writer must write in this case will vary depending on the goals of the website; very often the content is thematic, meaning the freelance writer must be an expert in a certain field or be able to perform adequate research in a certain field.