Web graphic design careers combine design and technical skills to various degrees. Some careers emphasize the graphic design aspect, whereas other careers emphasize technical skills. The type of organization may also influence the scope of web graphic designer work.
Some web graphic designers produce graphics that are suitable for both print and web, whereas others produce only web graphics. Many web graphic designers emphasize page design skills, and become very skilled in coding HTML and cascading style sheets. Technically oriented designers who develop scripting and application coding skills may find their work centers on application development. Emphasizing any of these areas can influence the types of web graphic design careers that develops.
A web graphic designer may find a career at an advertising agency. She may work on a variety of client accounts, and she may assist with creating advertising materials. Advertising web graphic design careers can be demanding, fast-paced positions that require a high degree of creativity and skill. Some agencies may provide both print and web advertising materials, whereas other agencies may focus just on web.
Other designers may work with web design firms, which specialize in creating web sites rather than developing advertising materials. The sites the web designer works on may range from simple, informational sites to e-commerce and other complex web applications. Rather than working with web design firms, some organizations keep in-house web design staff. The designers may work on new projects and maintain existing websites.
Some web graphic designers find careers as independent contractors. They may contract their services to consulting companies, advertising agencies, design firms, or find their own clients, usually for smaller web design projects. A web graphic designer may choose to start her own firm. It may start as a one person shop and grow from there. Strong web graphic design skills and technical skills will allow the firm to compete for more jobs, and the firm may hire independent contractors to fill positions as needed.
Many web graphic designers build careers specializing in using certain technologies. For example, some designers may specialize in creating web animations. This usually requires knowledge and experience in using specific software to create the pieces. Others may build web graphic design careers by creating templates that can be used for standard websites or content management systems (CMS). They may sell their work by contracting directly with clients for custom orders, or they may sell the templates via their own store or a marketplace.